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Drill exervise with realated organization (24.04.12.)

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240412 선박-교량 충돌 대응 합동훈련(장관동정)
On April 12th (Friday), at 14:00, Minister Kang Do-Hyung of Oceans and Fisheries held a joint drill exercise with related organizations to respond to a large vessel-bridge collision scenario in the MOF’s General Situation Room. The drill was prepared following the ship-bridge collision that occurred in the U.S. port of Baltimore on March 26th, under the assumed scenario of a ship collision on Incheon Bridge, one of the major bridges of Korea. The drill involved a total of nine stakeholder organizations, including the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of the Interior and Safety, National Police Agency, Korea Coast Guard, Incheon Bridge, and Incheon Port Authority. In particular, the drill carefully examined the duties and roles of each agency with respect to safety management, including immediate communication of the situation among related organizations and rapid road control in a scenario where a large ship loses control and collides with bridge piers.