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Collaboration between Korea and the United States in offshore seaweed farming technologies.(24.01.19.)

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240119_1_해조류 외해 양식 기술 협력방안 논의
On January 19th (Friday), Minister Kang Do-Hyung of Oceans and Fisheries met with Director Evelyn N. Wang of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E*), U.S. Department of Energy, to discuss ideas for collaboration between Korea and the United States in offshore seaweed farming technologies. First, Minister Kang introduced Korea’s technological strengths in seaweed cultivation, its downstream applications, and best practices in seaweed exports, and emphasized the need for joint research and development to respond to climate change challenges and increase the income of the fishing community. The U.S. delegates, in turn, expressed their interest in carbon reduction and bioenergy through offshore cultivation of sea algae and potential technological cooperation with Korea. In this regard, Minister Kang and Director Wang agreed to continue working-level discussions to identify practical joint R&D projects between the two nations in the field of offshore algae farming and utilization.