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Opening Ceremony of the 28th National Oceans Day

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바다의날 기념식
The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries hosted the opening ceremony for the 28th National Oceans Day, which was held under the theme 'Innovate the Marine Sector, Grow the Marine Economy, Korea Working Together as One,' at the Baekgyeul Theater, Gyeongju Expo Grand Park on May 31st, starting at 10:10AM. While celebrating the event, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries re-emphasized the government's willingness to support advances in the oceans and fisheries sector with the aim of making Korea a new global leader, with initiatives including the revitalization of marine leisure and tourism, leadership in advanced marine mobility, and development of an export-driven blue food industry. The Ministry also awarded medals and commendations to 40 individuals who have contributed significantly to the development of the marine and fisheries sector.