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Site visit of the National Communications Group on Seafood Safety

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2 230522 소통단 현장점검(장관동정)
Minister Cho Seung Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries, together with the National Communications Group on Seafood Safety, conducted an onsite inspection of the seafood safety management practices in Busan.
The Communications Group visited the National Fishery Product Quality Management Service to observe the analysis process of samples using radioactivity detection devices at the Seafood Radioactivity Analysis Laboratory, as well as toured the Inspection and Analysis Building to learn about the analysis laboratory and equipment of the seafood safety management facilities that opened on the same date.
Moreover, the Group visited the Marine Environment Research & Training Institute operated by the Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation to understand the status of radioactivity inflows into the coastal waters of Korea and were briefed on the robust and scientific radioactivity research techniques by experts. The tours were followed by a discussion forum, chaired by Minister Cho, where gaps identified from the inspection, ideas for improvements, as well as public concerns on seafood safety, and policy ideas voiced by the public on seafood safety were openly discussed.