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Family Love Fishing Tournament and Children’s Safe Fishing Experience Program

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On April 9th, Minister Cho Seung Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries held the 11th Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries-sponsored Family Love Fishing Tournament and Children’s Safe Fishing Experience Program at the Natural Farm Fishing Site at Gongju, Chungnam Province. This year’s tournament was held for the first time in four years since 2019, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been rebranded from the National Freshwater Fishing Tournament to the Family Love Fishing Tournament to promote a family-centric fishing culture.
In his congratulatory remarks, Minister Cho asked for the "support of the participants to ensure that the Family Love Fishing Tournament and Children’s Safe Fishing Experience Program become a venue for promoting a safe and healthy fishing culture." He also expressed his wish that “all participants at the event serve as environmental guardians, who will lead the way forward in creating a fishing culture that loves and cherishes the environment.”