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International Marine and Fisheries Organizations and Experts Convene for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity

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International Marine and Fisheries Organizations and Experts Convene for the Conservation of Marine Biodiversity


- Hosting the 4th International Marine and Fisheries Forum from June 11–14 with more than 50 participating organizations


 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries announced that it will be hosting the 4th International Marine and Fisheries Forum on Sustainable Ocean Initiatives* under the theme “Promoting Regional Leadership for the Implementation of a Key Global Framework in the Ocean Sector” from June 11 to 14 at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul.


 Marking its fourth year in 2024, the event is organized by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), hosted by the National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea, and co-sponsored by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of Korea, the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research, and the Government of Monaco.


 The forum will be attended by more than 100 participants, including representatives from more than 50 regional marine management and fisheries organizations such as the CBD Secretariat, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as well as more than 100 local and international experts.


 The forum will discuss plans to strengthen cooperation between organizations to achieve the joint objective of protecting and restoring marine biodiversity around the world. Moreover, the forum will discuss concrete and practical action plans for the conservation of marine biodiversity, which were drafted based on the partnerships built over the past three events.