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Leaping to Become a Model Country Leading the Global Distant Water Fishing Industry

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- Establishment of the 4th Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the Distant Water Fishing Sector to support sustainable growth of the deep-sea fishing sector



 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister Kang Do-Hyung) announced on January 24th (Wednesday) its establishment of the 4th Comprehensive Plan for the Development of the Distant Water Fishing Sector, which aims to strengthen the competitiveness and promote the sustainable development of Korea’s deep-sea fishing sector.


 Today, the distant water fishing sector is faced with several challenges, including deteriorating fishing conditions due to fish stock declines in the waters of coastal nations and non-exclusive zones; stronger requirements for the implementation of international standards to ensure compliant fishing operations, safety, and the rights of seafarers; and the unstable supply of vessel crew for deep-sea fishing vessels.


 In response, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has prepared a comprehensive plan to be implemented for five years from 2024 to 2028 in line with the Distant Water Fisheries Development Act to actively respond to these challenges and lay the foundation for the advancement of Korea’s distant water fishing sector.


 ▲ Leading the way in international norms for distant water fishing


 First, the Ministry plans to introduce advancements in the response system for combatting illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. Surveillance capacity against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing shall be expanded through collaboration with fisheries monitoring centers, regional fisheries organizations, and international organizations, including non-governmental organizations. Carrier vessels that are not directly involved in fishing operations but suspected of direct or indirect involvement in IUU fishing shall also be subjected to surveillance to prevent the distribution of illegal catches.


 In addition, the number of international observers who monitor fishing operations and conduct scientific research on fishery resources aboard the deep-sea vessels will be increased from 67 to 80. There are further plans to develop and introduce an electronic monitoring (EM) system that will conduct AI-based analysis of video recordings to eliminate surveillance blind spots for vessels without observers.


 ▲ Ensuring a stable supply of seafarers


 To foster more seafarers to serve on national distant fishing vessels, the Ministry will provide employment preparation subsidies as a priority to high school students in the fishery sector who board fishing vessels, while supporting living expenses for trainees in the marine officer program at the Korea Institute of Marine and Fishery Technology so that all interested individuals can apply and receive training without financial burdens.


 Moreover, the Ministry plans to improve the working and welfare conditions of seafarers on distant fishing vessels by expanding the marine telemedicine service and supporting family visits to overseas locations, while continuing to protect and improve human rights of non-Korean seafarers by expanding reporting channels such as support call centers and email hotlines.


 ▲ Securing international fishing grounds


 In addition to existing fishing grounds, the Ministry will support and manage fishing harbors, berthing facilities, and processing and distribution facilities for countries with economically viable fishery grounds that are not yet operational due to poor conditions. The Ministry will also strengthen its Official Development Assistance (ODA) tailored to the needs of coastal communities, including fisheries management technology transfers and training, and continue to support the development of new fishing grounds overseas by expanding the scope of resource surveys to Africa.


 ▲ Advancing the ecosystem of distant water fishing sector


 The Ministry plans to improve the safety and operational conditions of the distant fishing sector by providing funds for construction of new ships and repair of old vessels in service for more than 30 years as well as loans for eco-friendly fishing gear and equipment to promote the protection of the marine ecosystem.


 Moreover, the Ministry will help to improve the eco-friendliness value of marine products from distant oceans by connecting distant ocean carriers and domestic seafood exporters to secure stable sales channels and by supporting the acquisition of international certifications related to eco-friendly fisheries in line with the trend of value-driven consumption.