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How to Penetrate the Global Logistics Market?

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- Holding an Online Presentation Session to Share Best Practices on Entering the Global Logistics Market on December 1st (Thurs) -


 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister: CHO Seung-Hwan) announced the hosting of its '2022 Presentation on Best Practices for Entry into the Global Logistics Markets' online on December 1st (Thursday) to share some of the best practices in supporting entry into the global logistics markets and to promote collaboration between Korean logistics firms and cargo owner companies.


 To promote the global market entry of Korean logistics and shipping firms, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries continues to drive its Global Logistics Market Expansion Support Program, which includes support for feasibility studies relating to overseas business expansion and consulting services for joint global expansion of cargo owners and logistics firms. Since the start of the project in 2011, 40 consortiums of shipping and logistics firms and 47 consortiums of cargo owners and logistics firms have entered or are expecting to enter the global logistics market.


 Moreover, presentations on best practices are held every year to share experiences and to promote collaboration and formation of consortiums between Korean logistics and cargo owner companies. The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Korea Maritime Institute, and logistics firms that have expanded into global markets through the support program will attend this year's presentation, with three companies planning to share case studies of their successful global expansion stories into the logistics markets of Vietnam, Hungary, and Uzbekistan.


 ▲ First, Company C will share its experience in entering the Vietnamese logistics market by developing a smartphone app where cargo owners can easily request cargo transportation. ▲ Company D, which has entered the Hungarian market, will introduce its story on how they have created a business model to transport end-of-use electric vehicle batteries to Hungary, where production factories are concentrated. ▲ Lastly, Company E will present their experience in pioneering a new logistics route via Uzbekistan since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

 Interested companies can attend the presentation broadcast in real-time starting from 14:00 on December 1st (Thursday) via the virtual conference application Zoom. Moreover, for those who cannot attend the live best practices presentation session, a recording of the event will be posted via the 'International Logistics Investment Analysis and Support Center' YouTube channel.


 Director General Yoon Hyun-Soo of the Shipping and Logistics Bureau at the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries explained that “the expansion of the logistics network through the global expansion of Korea’s shipping and logistics companies will naturally enhance the competitive edge of our logistics sector” and further commented that “the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries will continue to support these efforts by providing information on global logistics markets and promoting the network. Moreover, we request your interest and participation in next year's global logistic market entry projects.”


 For more details on the presentation session and Global Logistics Market Expansion Support Program, reach out to the Korea Maritime Institute's International Logistics Investment Analysis and Support Center (☎051-797-4770, 051-797-4774).