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Hosting a Global Festival to Promote Collaboration for the Future of the Arctic!

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- The 7th Arctic Partnership Week from December 5th to 9th in Busan -



 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister: CHO Seung-Hwan) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minister: PARK Jin) will be hosting the Arctic Partnership Week 2022 for five days from December 5th to 9th in Busan.


 With the objective to expand collaboration with the Arctic countries, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have continued to host the annual Arctic Partnership Week (APW) since 2016, marking the event’s 7th iteration this year. APW is a venue for international cooperation where experts from home and abroad come together to discuss various issues relating to policies, scientific research, and sectors related to the Arctic. In particular, 2022 is more meaningful as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Arctic Dasan Science Station and the establishment of Korea’s Arctic strategy based on the 1st Master Plan on Promoting Polar Activities, will which help Korea to transform itself from a ‘pursuer of Arctic activities to a leader nation.’


 Therefore, Korea will widely publicize and share with the Arctic nations its achievements and future vision on Arctic activities and present a path for Korea to contribute to the Arctic during the APW 2022, which is expected to serve as an opportunity to build stronger ties with the Arctic countries.


 Arctic Partnership Week 2022 will be held under the theme of ‘Pursuing the New Partnership for the Global Arctic,’ where discussions will take place to seek directions for future cooperation on the selected topic for each day: ▲ 5th (Monday) Opening Ceremony, ▲ 6th (Tuesday) Policy Day, ▲ 7th (Wednesday) Science and Technology Day, ▲ 8th (Thursday) Shipping Day, and ▲ 9th (Friday) Citizens’ Day.

The opening ceremony will feature participation by Minister Cho Seung-Hwan of MOF and Head of Polar Cooperation Hong Young-Ki of MOFA, with Minister Cho presenting an overview of the 1st Master Plan on Promoting Polar Activities during his opening speech, which was resolved at the cabinet meeting on November 22nd (Tuesday). In addition, the future vision for Korea’s Arctic activities, “a leader nation in polar activities for the people” will be declared through the National Polar Vision Proclamation Ceremony. Representatives from various age groups, including the Sejong Science Station overwinter crew and Korea Maritime & Ocean University scholarship students, will attend the event, to express a willingness to challenge the unknown and their desire to embrace Arctic activities that will help us leap into the future.


 On Day 2, Policy Day, Arctic ambassadors to Korea will review the present and future governance of the Arctic and discuss relevant future collaboration efforts during the Arctic Ocean Policy Forum. Moreover, KoNAC (Korean Network for the Arctic Cooperation), a domestic council of Arctic professionals, will host a seminar to announce a new agenda that can raise the status of Korea in future Arctic governance.


 On Day 3, Science and Technology Day, the International Cooperation Seminar on Arctic Science will be held in celebration of the 20 years of the Arctic Dasan Science Station, while sharing best practices in international collaboration and identifying new initiatives, such as Collaborative Arctic Joint Exploration that can leverage a next-generation icebreaker research vessel which is expected to be completed in 2026.


 On Day 4, Shipping Day, the International Seminar on Arctic Routes will focus on the current conditions of the Arctic routes and future directions on shipping cooperation. On the last day, Citizens’ Day, a roundtable of citizens will be held under the topic of ‘the impacts of Arctic climate change on our lives.’


 In addition, there will be side events open to anyone, including the Online Arctic Golden Bell Knowledge Bowl, which will be held at 8:00 PM from 5th (Mon) through 8th (Thurs). Anyone wishing to participate can attend after signing up first on the Arctic Partnership Week 2022 website (www.apw-korea.or.kr), where the winners each day who answer 20 questions will share a total of KRW 500,000 in gift certificates.


 Minister Cho Seung-Hwan of the Oceans and Fisheries expressed the commitment of the government, “which will continue to actively support Korea’s efforts to leap forward as an Arctic leader nation, present global solutions to respond to climate change, and to actively lead the Arctic industry.” He continued to hope that “the Arctic Partnership Week 2022 will be a venue for Korea to share its determination with the world and to build on strong cooperative relationships with the Arctic nations to help navigate its Arctic journey.”