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Resuming Entry and Disembarkation of Foreign Tourists on Cruise Ships

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- Normalization of Cruise Tours from 24th October (Monday) -


 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister CHO, Seung-

Hwan) announced the normalization and reopening of Korean ports to allow entry and disembarkation of foreign tourists on cruise ships, starting from 24th Oct 2022 (Monday).


 Since the ban on entry of travel-purpose cruise ships imposed by the Central Disease Management Headquarters in February 2020, to prevent the additional spread of COVID-19, the entry of tourism-purpose cruise ships and domestic disembarkation of foreign tourists in local ports has been restricted, only allowing cruise ships to moor for logistical purposes, such as for replenishing ship supplies.


 Since then, in response to the opinions from local governments and related industries on the difficulty faced by regional economies due to the ban on cruise ship operations, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries started to allow the entry of tourism-purpose cruise ships with no disembarkation of tourists since last May, after reaching an agreement with the relevant ministries. In addition, considering the recent lifting of mandatory tests upon entry to Korea, MOF has proactively engaged with the quarantine authorities to allow the entry of cruise ships and the disembarkation of foreign tourists starting from 24th October.


 As of 24th October, all individuals, including crew and passengers, on board cruise ships that enter and depart Korean ports shall have to wear masks in common indoor spaces, such as in performance halls or restaurants, in accordance with the quarantine standards of Korea, and shall comply with quarantine guidelines, including checks on health status by using Q-codes prior to entry. Moreover, any foreigners intending to make short-term stays in Korea, who have either been confirmed with COVID-19 or show suspicious symptoms such as fever, shall not disembark and need to be quarantined on board the vessel.


 On this day, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries will promptly communicate the reopening measures finalized in the Central Disaster Management Headquarters meeting with the regional governments, port authorities, and the Korea Tourism Organization of the respective ports that reopen for cruise ships as well as with the industry, including companies and agencies involved in shipping and marine transportation. Furthermore, the readiness of the cruise terminals, customs offices, immigration offices, and quarantine offices will be reviewed for the respective ports to ensure the smooth entry of cruise ships.


 In addition, starting with Port Sales from 27th October (Thursday) with organizations that target Japanese cruise operators and travel agencies, the Ministry plans to carry out online and offline cruise ship marketing activities in nearby nations.


 Minister Cho Seung-Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries stressed that “the cruise sector and the regional economies around cruise ports are faced with unprecedented challenges from the impacts of COVID-19.” He added, “While it may take some time for cruise ships to actually dock at our ports due to the time required to book passengers on tours, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries will start with the planned actions to proactively support the promotion of cruise ships to help revitalize the sector and regional businesses.”