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2030, Age of Transition The digitally and ecofriendly-led ocean will be rolled out

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2030, Age of Transition

The digitally and ecofriendly-led ocean will be rolled out

- Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries announced the 3rd Basic Plan

for Development of Maritime and Fisheries Industry ('21-'30)' -




The basic direction of maritime and fisheries policy for the next 10 years is rolled out focusing on "valuing life and safety",, "digitally transforming the maritime and fishery industry", "strengthen eco-friendly and decarbonization policies".


Achieve 11 trillion won of new market for the maritime and fishery industry, 70 million won of average fishery income 2 billion tons of port traffic volume, 112.5 million DWT of fleets under control, and 50% reduction in maritime waste by 2030 .


□ The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF;Minister MOON, Seong-Hyeok) announced on the morning of January 12

     (Tuesday) at the '2nd Cabinet Meeting' presided by Prime Minister Jeong Sye-kyun that "the 3rd Basic Plan for

     Development of Maritime Fisheries Industry (2021-2030)" (hereinafter as the “3rd Basic Plan”)

     was deliberated and resolved.


ㅇ The “Basic Plan for Development of maritime Fisheries Industry”, established jointly by 15 related ministries,

     is the highest level national plan in the maritime and fisheries sector, proposing the basic direction of

     the policies by forecasting the environment change and demand in policies for the maritime

     and fisheries sector in the next 10 years.


□ In the ‘Era of Transition,’ triggered by the 4th Industrial Revolution and Covid-19, a massive-scale transition

     to a population-decreasing society, a digital era, and a de-carbon society is predicted to occur in Korea,

ㅇIn the maritime and fisheries sector, risk factors such as intensifying risk of disappearing fishing villages,

     decreasing fishery resources, and increasing natural disasters, as well as opportunity factors such as

     the emergence of autonomous ships and smart ports, and speed-up of eco-friendly technology

     development are expected to coexist.


□ Under the vision of “the Age of Transition, the Sea of Life and a Prosperous Future”, the “3rd Basic Plan

     established by 15 ministries including the "Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries", the "Ministry of Culture,

     Sports and Tourism" and the "Ministry of Environment" is pursuing,


a sea of broad mind creating safety, happiness and, a sea of growth led by digital and innovation and

     ③a sea of coexistence encompassing generations and regions as goals.


* Subdivided into 3 goals-6 action strategies-18 policy goals-50 policy tasks-146 detailed tasks/108 MMAF independent

     tasks and 38 cooperative tasks of other 15 ministries


The first one of the six action strategies for realizing these three goals is strengthening the safety of

     maritime and fisheries industry.


* Number of port worker accidents (per 10,000 persons): 2.55 (2018) → 0.51 (2030)

     / Seafood food poisoning rate: 15% (2018) → 4% (2030)


ㅇWe plan to prevent safety accidents by incorporating big data and IoT technology into maritime and fisheries

     work sites and equipment and reinforce safety management for ships and leisure organizations and

     an international infectious disease quarantine system to make a sea where all citizens can work

     and enjoy making sure of safety.

ㅇWe will reinforce the foundation for clean production of aquaculture products such as the clean fishery

     regeneration project, establish a transparent aquatic product quality management and distribution system,

     such as FPC (Fish Passage Centers), to provide fresh seafood for people to eat with trust and improve

     data-based prediction/response capabilities on natural disasters such as typhoon and coastal erosion

     to create a safe coastline free from disasters.


The second strategy is to create a fishing village/coast* where people want to stay.


* Ratio of income in fishing villages to cities: 80 % (2018) → 90% (2030) /
     Number of island visitors per year: 14.6 million (2019) → 20.1 million (2030)


ㅇWe plan to transform the fishing village and coast, where the crisis of extinction** is intensifying, into

     a fishing village where people can live well together by strengthening the social safety net of fishing villages

     through the direct payment system for public benefit* and expanding social foundations such as regeneration

     of fishing villages and fishing ports and improvement of working conditions for workers.


* In addition to the currently operated direct payment system for vulnerable areas,
     we plan to additionally implement the direct payment system for management transfer, the direct payment system

     for the protection of fisheries resources, and the direct payment system for the production of

     eco-friendly fisheries products (from March 2021).

** As of 2019, 113,898 people of 50,909 households are living there

     (decreased by 33% or more from 171,191 people in 2010)


ㅇIt enhances the connection between coastal passenger ships as public transportation and land transportation, strengthens

     medical, welfare, and travel services for island areas, and re-creates old, idle coastal and port spaces,

     which have been left unattended or neglected, into convenient and attractive islands/regions and coexisting coasts/ports.

The third strategy is the digital transformation* of the maritime and fisheries industry.


* (Autonomous ships) Complete the development of unmanned autonomous ships by 2030, achieving 50% of the world's

     autonomous ships market share

     (Smart Port) Operate Busan Port's 2nd new port as a Korean smart port in full scale from 2030

     (Ratio of smart farms) 2.5% of total farms (2020) → 50% of total farms (2030)


ㅇWe plan to lead the world autonomous ships market by accelerating the intelligence of maritime transport systems

     through fully unmanned autonomous ships, Korean smart ports, smart joint logistics centers*, etc., while increasing the

     efficiency and safety of the shipping and port logistics process by reducing container handling time

     (25,000 TEU ship handling time: 40 hours in 2020 → 24 hours in 2030).


* Using AI and IoT sensors, etc. to support the efficiency of cargo in/out, inventory and facility management


ㅇWe will lead the evolution of the fishery industry into future version by digitalizing the fishery industry via as smart farms,

     smart processing plants, and artificial intelligence (AI) observers, etc., and by activating non-face-to-face and online trading

     of fishery products to promote fishery consumption. In addition, we will create a data economy in which high value-added

     data is actively traded, by building a data ecosystem* and activating digital business.


* Combine public and private data → Produce consumer-centric high value-added data

     → Establish convenient data marketplace → Expand innovation services and support startups, etc.


The fourth strategy is the qualitative leap* of the maritime and fishery industry.


* New maritime and fishery industry market scale: 3.3 trillion won (2018)→ 11.3 trillion won (2030)

     / Port volume: 16.4 billion tons (2019) → 2 billion tons (2030)



ㅇ Along with the digital transformation of the marine and fishery industry, we will cultivate new industries focusing on marine

     bio industry and marine energy/resource industries escaping from the existing structure of the maritime and

     fishery industry centered on shipping and ports, and continue to expand ports as ships grow in size, and establish a

     cooperative system including supports for the management stability of national ships to promote the innovative growth

     of key traditional industries.

     In addition, by reinforcing data-based market risk management and outlook, we are planning to establish a system that

     predicts and responds to crises in the maritime and fisheries industry in advance.


ㅇWe will continue to expand the industrial base that will nourish the maritime/fishery industry by establishing a venture fund

     along with consumer-centric R&D, stepwise/customized support for small/medium-sized venture companies as well

     as by fostering multi-disciplinary smart talents and strengthening the capabilities of research institutes.


The fifth strategy is to use sea and marine resources in an environmentally friendly and rational way*.


* Eco-friendly ship conversion rate: 1% in 2020 → 15% in 2030

     (528 ships were converted out of 3,542 ships subject to conversion) Fishery resource volume: 4.37 million tons (2019)

     → 5.30 million tons (2030) Amount of marine waste: 149 thousand tons (2018)→ 74 thousand tons (2030)


ㅇ By supplying eco-friendly ships and developing eco-friendly port technology*, we will reduce fine dust in ports and ships,

     and realize a decarbonised and eco-friendly port.


* AMP: Alternative Maritime Power/AMECS: Advanced Marine Emission Control System (Gas Collection Equipment)


ㅇ We plan to use and manage the ocean in an integrated and rational way through the advancement of marine spatial

     planning * technology, reinforcement of land/sea environment management connection and full-cycle management

     of marine waste.

     In addition, by expanding the total allowable catch (TAC**) system and strengthening the crackdown on illegal fishing,

     we aim to achieve a resource-managed fishing structure and make recovery of fishery resources, and preserve

     diversity in marine ecosystems by requiring for a mandatory use of biodegradable fishing gear and subdividing

     the use of marine protected areas.


* A plan for integrated management of marine spaces through designation of marine use zones to prevent conflict among

     users and unorderly development with regard to of marine activities and marine resources


** TAC(Total Allowable Catch): A system that allows for fishing only up to the maximum catch limit


□ The last and sixth strategy is to build a maritime power leading international cooperation.


ㅇ We will actively participate and lead in international discussions* in the maritime and fisheries sector,

     in consideration of national status and dignity, and promote win-win cooperation with the international community

     as well as the target countries of the New Southern and Northern policies through effective and multifaceted customized

     official development assistance (ODA) projects.


* Maritime field (autonomous ships, ship greenhouse gas, e-NAV), fisheries field (elimination of illegal fishing), environment

     field(climate change, marine waste, marine biodiversity conservation in ABNJ, marine mammal protection, etc.)



ㅇ We will strengthen the management of the sea areas around Dokdo and Ulleungdo, manage strategic points with the

     designated national management coastal ports, and foster maritime law experts to firmly protect the maritime

     territories, and contribute to the prosperity of Northeast Asia through cooperation in maritime and

     fisheries sector.


□ Through this, the government will:

     expand the size of the new marine and fishery industry market by 2030

        (3.3 trillion won in 2018 → 11.3 trillion won in 2030);

     increase in average fishery household income (48.42 million won in 2018 → 70 million won in 2030);

     increase port traffic volume (16.4 billion tons in 2019 → 2 billion tons in 2030);

     expand the scale of fleets under control (85 million DWT in 2019 → 112.5 million DWT in 2030);

     reduce marine waste by 50% (149 thousand tons in 2018 → 74 thousand tons in 2030).


□ As the “3rd Basic Plan for Development of Maritime Fisheries Industry” is finalized, the government plans to establish a

     yearly “Action Plan for Development of Maritime Fisheries Industryin the first half of each year to check

     the performance results and to concrete the implementation plan and related budget.


ㅇ Therefore, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and related ministries will quickly establish the “2021 Action Plan for

     Development of Maritime Fisheries Industry”, while the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries will continue to check it so that

     the “3rd Basic Plan” can be actively reflected in the maritime and fisheries policies of relevant ministries and local


□ The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF;Minister MOON, Seong-Hyeok) emphasized "The 3rd Basic Plan for Development of Maritime

     Fisheries Industry, established during the critical period of the transition, will serve as a key to the direction of the Korean

     maritime and fisheries policy for the next 10 years.", and said “We will communicate and cooperate with each ministry and

     local government so that the plan can be executed smoothly.”


2030, Age of Transition