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Korea Autonomous Surface Ship Project


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Dear, Mr. Paul Dean, a partner of HFW,
Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the IMO,
Ms. Adina Vālean, Commissioner of Transport on the European Commission,
Dr. Michael Güntner, State Secretary, DE Presidency
Speakers, panelists, ladies and gentlemen!
Very good morning from here in the Republic of Korea.
It is my great pleasure to introduce
the Korea Autonomous Surface Ship (KASS) Project at this prestigious event.

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Economies worldwide are now rapidly evolving into digital economies.
The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the expansion of remote and contactless operation in conventional industries by radically reducing direct contact among people.
This is ramping up the growth of digital technologies, including data analysis, network, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, for industries.
For its part, the Korean government has launched the Digital New Deal Policy to support new industries and achieve economic recovery.
The maritime autonomous surface ship (MASS) is the ultimate, state-of-the-art representation of a nation’s advanced technologies and is at the forefront of the Korean government’s Digital New Deal initiative for shipping sector.

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MASS technology is expected to increase the efficiency and safety of maritime transportation dramatically by optimizing navigation routes and minimizing human error. It even promises eco-friendly, next-generation ships.
With policy and institutional support, I believe, MASS can quickly replace conventional vessels.
The hyper-connection between digitalized ports and MASS systems will, in turn, revolutionize the maritime transportation and logistics industries.

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The Korean government launched the interdepartmental Autonomous Surface Ship Project Office in June.
This 140 million US dollars project will be carried out with multiple maritime transportation, shipbuilding companies and related organizations.
We expect that the project will present a MASS, satisfying IMO level-3 navigation system, by 2025.