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Exploring the past, present, and future of the polar region

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Exploring the past, present, and future of the polar region


- Special exhibition “Move out, Polar Exploration Team!” to be held jointly by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and National Ocean Science Museum


 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) and the National Ocean Science Museum (NOSM) will hold a special exhibition titled “Move out, Polar Exploration Team: Secrets of the Polar Region Explored through Science!”


 This exhibition was planned in collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy in Korea, Fram Museum in Norway, and Korea Polar Research Institute to increase public interest in and understanding of the importance of polar regions.


 The exhibition consists of various experiential contents on the themes of history of polar exploration, polar science and environment, and preservation. Visitors can become members of the polar exploration team, experience the exhibition, and receive an Excellent Expedition Member sticker when they complete all missions.


 Visitors to the exhibition can see valuable historical polar exploration materials that used to be available only at the Fram Museum in Norway. These include tools used by polar explorer Friedjof Nansen in his 1893 Arctic exploration, scientific experiment records, and exploration photos, as well as records of Korea's polar exploration and research activities and outcomes of polar scientists. In addition, it provides an opportunity to review the polar environment—which is in crisis due to rising sea levels caused by climate change—and to consider what we can do immediately to protect the polar region.


 Special programs during the exhibition include experiencing traditional cultures such as Norwegian food and clothing and special lecture by Kwon Oh-cheol*, a famous Korean astrophotographer recognized by NASA.