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Busan North Port, Reborn with a New Look

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- Busan North Port opens Phase 1 Port Redevelopment Area facilities to the public -
- Scheduled to host a variety of promotional events at Busan North Port to ensure a successful bid for the 2030 Busan World Expo under the themes of a “prepared nation” and “prepared city” -



 The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (Minister CHO Seung Hwan) fully opened the public facilities of the Phase 1 Port Redevelopment Area of Busan North Port on April 3rd (Monday), while hosting the ‘Bid for the 2030 Busan World Expo Event’ from the 3rd to 6th (Thursday).


  With the opening of the public facilities, it is expected that the traffic caused by the construction of the nearby Chungjang-ro underpass will be alleviated and citizens will have access to more convenient transit services (train ↔ ferry). Additionally, parks and coastal observatory facilities will now become available, improving leisure options for the people of Busan and supporting the revitalization of tourism in Busan.


  Furthermore, the ‘Bid for 2030 Busan World Expo Event’ will be held at the North Port Phase 1 Port Redevelopment Area from April 3rd (Monday) to 6th (Thursday) to convey the themes of a ‘prepared nation’ and a ‘prepared city,’ in line with the BIE (Bureau International des Expositions) onsite due diligence inspection in Busan (Apr. 4∼6).


  The event will showcase various programs for citizens to participate in, including a ▲ drone light show (Apr. 6. 20:00), a ▲ paper boat lantern floating campaign, a ▲ 2030 walkathon to promote the successful bid, an ▲ event with pet dogs, a ▲ kayaking experience through scenic waterways, ▲ North port history and photo exhibitions, ▲ flea markets and food trucks, and ▲ balance bike events for kids.


  Minister Cho Seung Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries hopes that the “full opening of the public facilities at North Port Phase 1 Area and associated events for residents can successfully deliver the message that the city of Busan is a ‘well prepared city’ to the BIE inspection team,” while asking for “continued interest and participation by the people of Busan.”